What is the best way to learn data structures and algorithms for a non CS/IT students?
To be honest, being a CS/IT student or not doesn’t really impact the approach to study data structures and algorithms.
Whatever is taught as part of CS/IT courses, at least in Indian colleges, is very basic that you can learn by just googling the syllabus components.
So, you literally can get at par with a CS grad in just about a month or so. Next part which is common for both CS and non CS graduates is to work heavily on applications of these data structures and algorithms and solving variety of problems on them.
I would advise sticking to Leetcode for this, as it has good (but not enough) problems, and a discuss section with it.
The problem with Leetcode is:
- Lack of organisation of content to approach the problems topic by topic.
- Lack of clarity on multiple approaches possible for a particular problem.
- You might not fully see the patterns in a problem and be able to apply it to completely new problems.
We at Programming Pathshala have tried to solve these issues by organizing the content and by exposing each pattern one by a series of handpicked problems (from different platforms out there).
Plus, we start with brute force in each problem and give out multiple approaches with each problem.
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