What are some useful suggestions that experienced developers can share with their juniors other than "Google it by yourself"?
Some suggestions to the junior developers out there -
Don’t be afraid to ask questions: Many developers at the beginning struggle to ask for help when stuck somewhere in their work. Just make sure that you have done your best and documented the issues. If you reach out with details to any senior developer after giving your best, he should be happy to answer
Learn from your mistakes and not repeat them: The only reason a senior dev might get irritated with you is if you start making the same mistakes and keep coming up with the same doubts again and again. Maintain a copy of your common mistakes if you think that it will help you in recalling those mistakes.
- Be Curious: Even though it is a running joke in the developer community that developers are hired to copy and paste code from stack overflow, it is the developer’s responsibility to understand why that code is working too. Be curious about how you can make your code more structured, how your company’s system architecture is, etc., and you will enjoy your work a lot more.
- Solve any task assigned using problem solving concepts: Let’s say your task is that there is some csv on the internet which keeps updating every day, and you need to write a job to download it daily and update relevant columns in your db. On the whole, this task may seem huge. Problem Solving comes into the picture here.
You can divide your task into:
Downloading the current csv from net
Doing manipulations to get relevant columns same as those in db
Updating data into db
- Somehow automating this script to run daily (cron, etc might help)
If you solve this problem step by step and make sure each step works one by one, this might not sound like a huge problem.
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